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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep


As every year, we have a fundraising campaign to cover our own contribution. And you can help us with this!


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden

Prüfsiegel Leichte Sprache

Eternal Empire

This translation has been produced automatically and may contain errors and inaccuracies. If you notice anything, please let us know.

“Eternal Empire” is a Darksynth / Cyberpunk project that combines distorted synthesizer riffs with catchy melodies and strong dance beats.

I was always fascinated by music that is both heavy and emotional at the same time. I grew up listening to metal and later played synthesizer in Metalcore and Pop-Punk bands. I discovered the Synthwave genre pretty late, but I was immediately hooked. Also, I realized that this genre would be perfect for a one-man project.

“Rise And Fall” is my first do-it-yourself release. From the songwriting to the mixing and mastering, I made everything myself. I’m aware that I still have a lot to learn, so bear with me.

I chose the name “Eternal Empire” simply because I wanted a name that relates to my favorite city Rome. Besides, it is fun to mix antique themes with such a futuristic genre as Synthwave.

I live and work in Dresden, Germany.

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