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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep


As every year, we have a fundraising campaign to cover our own contribution. And you can help us with this!


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden

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Lina Lawina

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As a trained costume designer/master of men’s clothing, graduated in 2010 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, I professionally implement your figurines. With my 23 years of professional experience in the field of costume, theater, and fashion, I have a broad repertoire. Empathetic, creative, and with a considerate use of resources, I engage with your ideas.

Activities as a freelance costume designer, 2010-2023

Costume sculptures for “Satanarchäolügenialkohöllischen Wunschpunsch” for the Chemnitz Theater, 2022, costumes for the birthday show of the Herkuleskeule Dresden, 2022, Sorbian costumes for the “Krabat-Festspiele” 2022, Schwarzkollm, costume design: Michael Wolf, collaboration with Joachim Schlömer and the El perro andaluz ensemble, costume design and implementation of musical theater “Don’t touch”, Zentralwerk Dresden, 2021, costume design and implementation for inclusive dance theater Farbwerk eV., Zentralwerk Dresden, 2021, soloist costumes for “BachBewegt!” in collaboration with Monika Schlüter and Anne-Marie Miene, Bachakademie Stuttgart, 2021, costume sculptures for “Die Zauberföte”, directed by Peter Hampe, Oper Köln, in collaboration with Peter Ardelt, 2020, collaboration with Mallika Manuwald, Staatstheater Chemnitz, collaborations with Wolfgang John, Stattstheater Cottbus, founding of LouisenKombiNaht with socio-cultural peace work, “Attacke auf ins Geflecht”, incorporation of a tank in cooperation with the Military History Museum Dresden, 2013, collaboration with PerspektivenPionieren, various simulation suits for obesity/hemiparesis, etc. since 2010, children’s theater costumes in collaboration with Marlit Mosler, Tanztage in the Sophiensäle Berlin, internship at Staatsoper “Unter den Linden”, Berlin, Theater an der Ruhr in Mülheim, Theater Bad Godesberg, Theater Oberhausen, Ringlokschuppen Mülheim an der Ruhr, Gasometer Oberhausen

Freelance work

‘Patch for Peace’, peace work in collaboration with Lena Hornig/ Pippuri and the Stadtteilhaus Dresden Neustadt, funded by the Cultural Office Dresden, August/September 2023, training as a painting companion at Malort/lecturer Michael Podzun, slow fashion upcycling fashion show at Kulturhafen Dresden, May 2022, integrative, inclusive upcycling workshops, solo exhibition of painting, video installation, Urban Shidd Galery, Dresden, winter 2021-2022, performance and large installation at Altmarkt Dresden, NBZKD, July 2021, solo exhibition of painting, Laika Dresden 2020, thinking time scholarship, upcycling installation light benches, 2020, flash mobs, workshops in cooperation with Scheune Dresden, Umumdu Festival for Sustainability, Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, exhibition of costumes as part of the photo exhibition by Herlinde Koelbel, ‘Kleider machen Leute’, 2012, realization of various workshops, courses, and fashion shows, care and support work for people with disabilities and refugees, collaboration with circus “Sappalot”, 2008

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