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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep


As every year, we have a fundraising campaign to cover our own contribution. And you can help us with this!


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden

Prüfsiegel Leichte Sprache

Scary Foreigners

address: Alte Fabrik, Prießnitzstraße 44/48, Hinterhof
accessibility: mobile Rampe und ein behindertengerechtes WC

Friday, 27.09.2024. 20:45 o'clock to 22:00 o'clock ics

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Dresden’s most unpredictable FunkRock band. With roots from American, British, and ginger culture, a wide range of danceable styles, and a hint of political humor in their luggage, this four-piece band aims to unite the world in groove.

Artists: Scary Foreigners
Categories: Konzert, Funk, Rock

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