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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep


As every year, we have a fundraising campaign to cover our own contribution. And you can help us with this!


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden

Prüfsiegel Leichte Sprache


address: Martin-Luther-Straße 11, 01099 Dresden
accessibility: mobile Rampe

This translation has been produced automatically and may contain errors and inaccuracies. If you notice anything, please write to us.

A gallery for self-made art in the Dresden-Neustadt. Martin-Luther-Str. 11 / 01099 Dresden.

The gallery consists of a workshop and an exhibition area. In the workshop area, a creative atmosphere will be created that encourages innovative art. As Henri Matisse aptly describes it: “Painting means not coloring forms, but shaping colors.”

The exhibition area is the sales room. Here, a relaxed, homely atmosphere is created that invites, welcomes, and receives potential buyers. Two guiding principles symbolize the essence of the gallery: “The only revolutionary force is the power of human creativity – the only creative force is art.” And: “Every person is an artist, whether they are in waste disposal, nursing, engineering, medicine, or farming.”

The offered art objects are paintings and drawings, string art works, sculptures, and statues. The gallery exclusively supports young artists who have so far been denied entry into the art market, for example, due to a lack of academic training or high market entry barriers. Only exhibits from small artists and newcomers are offered and considered. This creates a unique selling point in the Dresden art market. In addition, exhibition pieces for interior decoration (modern living) and designer items are intended for sale – as aesthetically appealing unique pieces.

Website | Facebook

This is an archive page from 2021. Click here for the current program.

Friday, 24. Sep 2021

17:00 - 21:00 „Wie dürfen wir leben, sehen und fühlen?“ [Vernissage]
Ausstellung, Vernissage
18:00 - 21:00 „Der Weltensegler“ [Hörspiel]

Saturday, 25. Sep 2021

12:00 - 21:00 „Wie dürfen wir leben, sehen und fühlen?“ [Ausstellung]
16:00 - 18:30 Der Mal-o-mat – Wahlen nach Zahlen [Kunstaktion]
18:30 - 21:00 Live-Musik [Top-Secret]

Sunday, 26. Sep 2021

12:00 - 18:00 „Wie dürfen wir leben, sehen und fühlen?“ [Ausstellung]