Martin-Luther-Straße 21, 01099 Dresden
steile Rampe
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A colorful neighborhood needs colorful politics. That’s why we are here.
The WIR AG at Lutherplatz in Dresden’s Neustadt sees itself as an open office where we discuss, work, organize events, and celebrate. Because our time needs leftist politics and we want to shape them locally. For this purpose, the WIR AG provides the interested parties with the event hall and its infrastructure. In addition, our guests have access to the library of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Saxony.
For several years, the non-profit association “WIR e.V.” has been operating the office community “WIR AG”. In it, we work for left-wing projects.
We, that is: the offices of the Saxon state parliamentarians Sarah Buddeberg, the city councilors Leo Lentz, Christopher Colditz, Magnus Hecht, and Jens Mathis, as well as the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Saxony and the left youth [‘solid] Dresden. In addition, the WIR AG accommodates the Greek Community Dresden e.V. and the Afropa e.V. under its roof.
Saturday, 23. Sep 2023