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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 15 Sep, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden


As every year, we have a fundraising campaign to cover our own contribution. And you can help us with this!


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden

Prüfsiegel Leichte Sprache


Who can participate?

The NAF mainly provides a stage for local artists. At the same time, art thrives on exchange and togetherness – we welcome acts and artists from all over the world who want to contribute to a colorful, diverse program. Absolutely anyone who brings an idea and initiative can participate.

How can I participate? What is the “Bunte Brett”?

To participate, you need to connect with a location. For this, use our “Bunte Brett“, which you can find here. On this board, artists looking for a location and locations looking for artists can register. Your details there: photo, self-description text, link to your website/social media, email address.

(Once you’ve registered on the “Bunte Brett“, please check your spam folder regularly, as the first inquiries often end up there.)

You can, of course, also directly contact locations that you like. You might even find an artist with whom you’d like to start a project. In general, you network independently, while we assist in the background and might be able to give you tips or reach out further.

Important: Please send us information about your program promptly!

How do I send you my program?

For your program to be included in the program booklet, we need an email from you with the following information:

  • The title of your event
  • The type of your event (reading, concert, exhibition…)
  • Location of the event
  • Start and end times of your program points
  • A suitable image for your event (preferably landscape format)
  • A short description of your event for the website
  • Additionally, for the program booklet, a short description of your event with a maximum of 370 characters
  • (Optional) A short description of yourself if you want to appear on the website – feel free to include links!
  • (Optional) A photo or image of yourself

If you want your event to be included in the printed program booklet, we need your information by September 1st at the latest. All submissions after this date will be included in the online program and the app. Please send everything to programm@neustadt-art-festival.de.

You can see how it will look in the program booklet here:

Are there information and exchange channels?

On the following channels, you will get current information from the organizers and quick, straightforward help from other artists and locations if needed.

How long can my event last?

Since the NAF mainly takes place where many people live, we naturally want to be considerate of the residents. Therefore, we recommend that your event should end no later than midnight. However, in some cases, certain locations may allow for a longer program.

What do I gain from participating?

We strive to continue the original idea of the Neustadt Art Festival: Many dedicated individuals create something wonderful for themselves and their community, without commercial intentions but with a lot of creativity.

Many young artists have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience for the first time through NAF. While we cannot compensate your performance as a non-commercial festival, you may generate a small contribution through donations or the sale of artworks, CDs, etc.

Additionally, you can meet many inspiring people at the festival, with whom you might want to collaborate on future projects.

How about cost reimbursement?

Thanks to grants from the “Amts für Kultur und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden”, the “Stiftung Äußere Neustadt”, the “Stadtbezirksamtes Dresden Neustadt”, and many private donations, we have a small fund available to reimburse some of your expenses. Since the process isn’t straightforward, we’ve set up a dedicated page for this:

Who handles the GEMA?

We take care of the GEMA notification for you. For this, we need a completed GEMA list from you. Please coordinate with the venue to decide who will fill out the GEMA list and send it to us.

  1. Download the GEMA form: Sequence/Set List Live Music
  2. Fill out the following fields for the event:
    • Type of event
    • Name of the venue
    • Type (e.g., restaurant)
    • Event room
    • Street/Number
    • Postal code/City
    • Date of the event
    • Time (from-to)
  3. Fill in the details for the band/group.
  4. List the titles that were played.
  5. Send the form via email to orga@neustadt-art-kollektiv.org.

We will take care of the rest, including payment.

What do I do if an issue arises at my event?

Shortly before the festival, we will provide a phone number to all participating venues. You can reach us at any time on this number if a significant issue occurs. We’ll be at the festival and can respond promptly on-site. For less urgent matters, you can also contact us via email or Instagram message.