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Neustadt Art Festival 2024

27. Sep – 29. Sep

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 30 Jun, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 14 Jul, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 4 Aug, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 18 Aug, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 1 Sep, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden

NAF Orga-Treffen

Sun, 15 Sep, 4:00 PM
Studio of Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 19, 01097 Dresden


We would be happy for your donations. If you like to, use our Neustat Art Kollektiv account below:

Recipient: Neustadt Art Kollektiv e.V.
IBAN: DE69 4306 0967 1070 7042 00
Reference: Neustadt Art Festival

or donate via paypal

We can issue a donation receipt.


Neustadt Art Kollektiv
Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Stadtbezirksbeirat Dresden-Neustadt
Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden


address: Hinterhof im Hecht, Johann-Meyer-Straße 1, 01097 Dresden

Friday, 20:00 o'clock to 21:00 o'clock

This is an event from 2023. Click here for the current program.

This translation has been produced automatically and may contain errors and inaccuracies. If you notice anything, please write to us.

Artist::Singer/Songwriter::Inhabitant of Earth::Visionary

Do you also dream of a peaceful world? A world with loving, mindful, colorful people who live together with respect and gratitude, and who are grateful, responsible guardians of the earth?

Then let’s come together, connect our voices and see how many of us there already are.

On Friday there will be a mix of interactive concert and performance. There will be moments where I need your voices…
You will encounter doubts, fears, great world pain and hopelessness, but also forgiveness, deep connection, love, strong trust, and courage.

On Sunday, I invite you to sing empowering and healing songs together in a circle.

I am looking forward to connecting with you.
“Let us connect with our voices,
Let us connect with our hearts,
Let us connect with our dreams, our power
To create a world we want to be part of.”

Artists: ALUNA
Categories: Mitmachkonzert, Singer-Songwriter·in, Performance